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The site is located at a roadway intersection in Athens, Georgia. A concrete retaining wall is required to utilize a below grade terrace level for multi-family housing. Multi-family housing will be constructed over a cast in place concrete podium. Mixed use occupancy will be utilized at the lower levels. Retail access will be provided at grade. Elevation changes at the podium level is required to accommodate the design elevations for the retail spaces. Various site amenities, such as a fitness center, will be located at the rooftop. Additionally, a custom pool for resident access and live green roof trays will be located on the rooftop. A precast concrete parking deck will be provided at the back side of the development. Access
to the ramp will be provided at existing grade as well as through a ramp which penetrates below the concrete podium. Site soil conditions require ground improvement methods by use of rammed aggregate piers.


Athens, Georgia


Structural Engineering

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